November 2023

Dec 5 • 1 minute read

  November is officially over and it was full speed ahead with regards to construction. We officially finished all of the framing and received the go-ahead from the building inspectors with regards to our electrical and plumbing. At the same time our networking team was working away to make sure things will be ready for our computer stations and x-ray machines among other things. Toward the end of the month we began drywalling. We also booked our equipment installation dates and decided on flooring, cabinetry and other touches. One of the most exciting features I am looking forward to is having custom made barn style doors to close each dental operatory. At this point we should be ready to see patients in February! If you are on our waitlist we should be starting to reach out mid-January!

 As far as community events November was very busy! I participated in the community helpers program at the library where professionals in the community are invited to interact with the kiddos. We read some dental related children's books, sang some songs and did a craft. We also practiced counting our stuffed dinosaurs teeth and doing an exam with the tooth mirror.

Following this was the Grand Valley Santa Claus Parade where we put in a float! We were grateful for our friends to allow us to use their trailer and help us decorate the float. We then all went to "The Creek" for dinner before the parade. Jeff and I dressed up as elves this time around and had a blast seeing all of the kids come out for the parade. 

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